Great News!!
We’ve combined TWO fundraisers into ONE!
Our annual Spring Fling Dinner Dance is being replaced by Clambake Dinner Party after our 37th Annual Golf Outing on Saturday, September 21st at Grantwood Golf Course!
Please see the details below:
37th Annual Golf Outing
Scramble Format
Skill Prizes for Men & Women
Prizes for Overall Team Score
50/50 Raffle
Long Drive Contest Cash Prize
3rd Annual Clambake Extravaganza
Live Entertainment/Dancing
Catered by Trifles
Prizes for Overall Team Score
Fabulous Auction Items
Come to one or both events, Golfer’s entry fee includes golf and dinner at a discounted rate!
Spouses are encouraged to golf.
Grantwood Golf Course
38855 Aurora Road, Solon OH 44139
10:30: Sign-in and Lunch (catered by Trifles)
Noon: Shotgun Start
6:30: Clambake Dinner Party (catered by Trifles)
Download the flyer here.
Click here to register!
Golf Outing Sponsored by: